Guest Speaker BBCâs Kamal Ahmed speaks to Southgateâs Sixth form
Posted on: November 8th 2016BBC’s Economics Editor Kamal Ahmed came to speak to Southgate’s 300 strong Sixth form. His rich background in Journalism, Politics and Economics left the students gripped and fascinated. His talk was motivational; assuring students that he attended a similar school, attended The University of Leeds and ‘was lucky’ in the career moves he made.
He has had a wealth of experience at the Telegraph, The Observer and the Guardian and now can be seen regularly on BBC news. He was the go-to person for Brexit at the BBC and shared some of his experiences with students. Staff too had questions for Kamal which he responded to with ease. Students were lining up to have selfies with Kamal as well as informing him that ‘their parents love him!’ A really enjoyable afternoon.