A Level Results 2018
Posted on: August 17th 2018A Level results 2018
Congratulations to all Year 13 students for another superb set of A Level results! It is heart-warming to see our wonderful young people coming out with such good results on the back of two years hard graft by individuals (and their teachers).
Over half of our students secured A*-B grades and our A*-C outcomes (82%) was equally impressive at a time when nationally the A*-C pass rate fell. We would like to wish all of our Year 13 leavers every success in their futures, whether that be at university, an apprenticeship or the world of work.
Notable successes include:
Stephanos Savva A*, A*, A* - Economics & Finance at Exeter University
Emma Woodley A*, A*, A* - Economics at Bath University
Sophie Wharton A*, A*, A – Geography at York University
Rusandi Abeywickrama A*, A, A – Economics at University College London
Michael Georgiades A*, A, A – Accountancy at Reading University
Adam Taylor A*, A, A – Physics at Imperial College London
Grace Coulson-Harris A*, A, B – gap year / theatre school
Shiva Etemadi Nazari A*, A, B – Management at University College London
Artemis Georgiou A*, A, A – Engineering at Southampton University
Nicole Karageorgi A*, A, B – History at Warwick University
Vaibhav Gohil A*, A, B, B – Computer Science at Warwick University