
Business and Economics

Business and Economics are not only subjects in their own right, but an integral component of everyday life in the twenty first century. The department's aim is to inspire and develop in our students a passion for our subjects and to see this relevance to theirs and other’s lives. We aim to put theory into context with relevant and up to date business examples. We deliver a structured spiral curriculum, in that concepts covered at Key Stage 4 are developed and extended at Key Stage 5.

KS4 students are exposed to new concepts throughout the course, starting with gaining an understanding of small business and building up to gaining an understanding of how larger organisations work by the end of the course. They are introduced to the theory behind enterprise and entrepreneurs, marketing, finance and business ownership. The second half of the course develops their understanding of how each functional area contributes to the running of an organisation. They learn about external influences and their impact on business decisions.

Our curriculum at KS5 consolidates prior learning. Students revisit theory and key skills covered at KS4 to ensure that students with no prior knowledge of Business Studies or Economics can access the curriculum. There is a key focus on globalisation, operations management, finance and human resources. Students develop the ability to draw upon skills and content from several parts of the curriculum to answer challenging questions. We focus on developing students’ knowledge of the real business world and develop their research skills so that they can effectively research industries and make judgements regarding business performance and business decisions.