

The Importance of Reading

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Dr. Seuss (American children’s author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker)

This quote perfectly sums up how important it is that our students read regularly and become skilled at something that really does affect their life chances. It is widely accepted that most students learn to read at primary school and will continue to get better at it as they get older. Our aim for these students is that they read for pleasure as often as they can so they can explore worlds, opinions, debates and perspectives that transcend the four walls at home and the four wings of our school. For others, we are equally ambitious that they experience the wonder of reading, and we are dedicated to supporting them on that journey.

Our students are given the opportunity to read a wide range of literature during their lessons and tutorials. As well as this, we have created a culture of reading that is evident not only in our vibrant and popular library but through the competitions and challenges that encourage our students to become word rich.

In 2024, we were excited to launch our new reading strategy that sets out our plan to accelerate the reading ages of our students. We aim that no student when they enter the school will be left without a reading intervention or support if they require it. This is so that all students can access the increasingly challenging curriculum they will face as they progress through school. In short, we are investing in reading because without the ability to do so and do so well, our students' life chances will be greatly affected.

How we screen and diagnose reading needs:

It is vital that we have sufficient reading age data so we can support students when necessary, using the correct intervention tool. Student reading ages and needs are assessed and diagnosed at the following times:



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 7


Phonics and Fluency screening as and when appropriate

  • Star Reading Test
  • NGRT
  • Star Reading Test
  • Star Reading Test

Year 8

  • Star Reading Test
  • Star Reading Test
  • Star Reading Test

Year 9

  • Star Reading Test
  • Star Reading Test


Year 10


  • NGRT



The Star Reading Test uses a variety of measures to assess students' reading abilities, including word recognition, vocabulary knowledge, comprehension, and fluency. The assessments are designed to be age-appropriate and aligned with national reading standards.

The NGRT (New Group Reading Test) is used to gather further evidence about the reading abilities of Year 7 students. This information will then be used to create literacy profiles for our weakest readers so that teachers know how to support them in lessons.

This test is also used to assess the reading abilities of Year 10 students so that teachers have accurate information about the reading needs of the students who require the most support in lessons. This is crucial as students begin their GCSE courses and encounter their most challenging texts yet.

Phonics screening:

This will take place so that we can ascertain the level of phonics support we will provide our students with letter sounds, letter formation, blending, segmenting, and tricky words.

TEAMS Fluency tests:

The online test assesses fluency by giving the accuracy rate, correct words per minute and any errors, enabling us to identify students who need further support and offering them the correct intervention so they can practise reading.

Interventions and support


From September 2024, we will use Phonics lessons to support our very weakest readers because to read, children need to understand the alphabetic principle — the idea that letters represent the sounds of spoken language. For example, when a child is taught the sounds for the letters t, p, a and s, they can start to build up the words: “tap”, “taps”, “pat”, “pats” and “sat”. Phonics teaches children how to decode quickly and accurately so that eventually they can read words by sight. Phonics lessons can take place one to one or in groups in our dedicated reading room.  


Lexia is an exciting online programme dedicated to helping students with their reading, comprehension and grammar skills. Created with students in mind, Lexia uses games, videos and visuals to aid our weakest readers practice and build on their existing skills to become confident and able readers. Students attend Lexia lessons twice per week in a computer room and are set some additional home learning so they are using the programme up to 3 times per week as evidence shows that progress can be made quickly if Lexia is used regularly.

Paired reading programme

Once a week, students in years 7 and 10 come together to take part in paired reading, an amazing opportunity for students in year 7 to read with a strong reader year 10 student. This has proven to be very effective in increasing the confidence and fluency of our year 7 students, as well as offering our year 10 students the chance to work with younger students, contributing to their personal development as well as aiding their applications for work shadowing placements and their Duke of Edinburgh voluntary element.

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is an educational tool that is used to monitor and manage student’s independent reading practice and comprehension skills. All students in KS3 are enrolled onto this programme and are supported by their English teacher and the School Librarian to read the book suggestions made by the programme. The book suggestions allow students to read texts appropriate to their reading age whilst also appropriately challenging them. Each term, students complete reading tests (STAR tests) which provide their individual reading age, informing teachers of their ability and allowing the leaders to identify students for interventions and further reading support.

In addition to the STAR tests, Accelerated Reader also allows students to complete regular quizzes on books and articles that they have read, giving them a chance to earn EPraise and an opportunity to foster a positive attitude towards reading. The quizzes are available 24 hours a day so students can do them form the comfort of their own home.