
Careers and Guidance

The careers programme at Southgate School is underpinned by the school vision of ‘Excellence for All’. We expect that all students have access to a high quality, holistic careers programme that is targeted to their individual needs. Students across Years 7 to 13 will be able to access a programme that enables them to make informed decisions at key transition points during their time at school and throughout their lives.  We want students to be inspired and motivated by what they learn, to develop high aspirations and be aware of all opportunities available to them.  The school reviews information published about Careers and Guidance annually and the next date for review is September 2025

Our Careers Lead is Ms Riggs-Long


Phone: 0208 449 9583



Labour Market Information

To find the most up to date labour market information for the local area please use the below links:



Year 9 Options Information

The Year 9 options process is now underway for 2024 - students have all received their option booklets, an electronic copy of this can be found in the document section of this page. 

We invite all Year 9 parents to our Options Information evening on Thursday 7th March 2024 at 6.00pm - if you wish to attend the evening please complete the below form:

Attendance Form


Speak to a Careers Advisor

For students at all key transition points, there are some big decisions ahead. Whether you are deciding on your GCSE options, on going to university, starting an apprenticeship, joining our Sixth Form or a college or going into the word of full-time employment, you will have lots of questions. At Southgate School we have a Careers Advisor that works 1:1 with students or in groups from January to July to discuss career options.

You can also seek information from the National Careers Service Contact Centre. Here you will be able to chat online with a careers adviser regarding any questions that you may have. You can also speak to a careers adviser on the phone by calling 0800 100 900.

Contact us | National Careers Service 




At Southgate School all students and staff have access to Unifrog; the complete destinations platform. It is a one-stop-shop for students and a place where students can compare every university course, apprenticeship and FE course in the UK as well as universities in 30 other countries across the world. They can also access labour market information and advice on careers and subjects for all routes.

Students should be using Unifrog on a regular basis to update their skills and competencies, Unifrog is widely used for UCAS applications and lower down the school at key transition points.