
Curriculum Statement

At Southgate School, our goal is to prepare our students to achieve the best possible grades so they can go on to succeed both academically and professionally. We will help them develop social and academic skills and instil in them values that will enable them to thrive and contribute to the wider community. Our vision is Excellence For All and what this means for staff and students is made explicit through assemblies, high-profile displays around the school, the way we teach and the curriculum we offer. Our ambitious, sequenced, coherent and knowledge-rich curriculum is designed to ensure that students’ understanding of key concepts and skills is built up over their time at Southgate and we use a range of strategies during lessons to ensure that all students can access our curriculum.

  • Retrieval practice is used so that prior learning is embedded and that gaps in knowledge are resolved
  • Content is delivered in small chunks with modelling and worked examples used so that students’ working memory is not overloaded
  • Teaching is adapted so that all students are stretched and challenged and are able to access the learning
  • Literary, oracy and reading strategies are used so that all students have opportunities to develop the quality of their responses.

Our students experience a three-year Key Stage 3 and two-year Key Stage 4 curriculum to ensure appropriate levels of depth and breadth are delivered in all programmes of study.

Staff model the behaviours we want to see in others in our day-to-day interactions with students through our values and high expectations. Our rich and relevant PSHE programme, thriving House system and assemblies, help us to foster a cohesive school environment that reinforces our vision and values.

Individual subjects have set out their own rationale for teaching core skills and knowledge in the Curriculum Links

Contact for curriculum enquiries: Jessica Genovese, Deputy Headteacher - 

Stewart McLean, Assistant Headteacher - 

Documents Date  
KS4 curriculum offer 09th Dec 2024 Download
KS3 Curriculum Overview 24 25 2 10th Feb 2025 Download