

The PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) curriculum at Southgate School is an integral part of student’s development. The PSHE curriculum equips our students with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work in modern Britain.

At Southgate School we have a dedicated PSHE/RSE co-ordinator Ms Riggs-Long


Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHE curriculums have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for students, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. Our PSHE programme is constantly evolving to ensure the needs of all our students are met through this vital part of the pastoral curriculum.

PSHE is largely delivered by tutors both within tutor time and via drop down sessions across the academic year, drop down sessions allow students to explore a particular issue in more depth either with the support of their tutor or via an external provider. The material delivered by tutors is relevant, up to date and covers a range of topics under the three core areas of 'Living in the Wider World', 'Relationships' and 'Health and well-being'. 

The quality of the delivery of PSHE sessions is reviewed in the same way as the quality of teaching and learning is elsewhere in the school.

PSHE, assemblies and the wider curriculum are used to develop our students’ understanding of British Values. Tolerance, Respect, The Rule of Law, and Democracy are also embedded in the culture of the school. Students see British Values displays around the school building and British Values underpin so much of what is done here, from policy writing to behaviour management.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development of students are also an indicator of the effectiveness of our school. Curriculum subjects also promote and advance these crucial aspects of personal development.

The PSHE programme for Years 7-13 can be found in the links below.