Children's University
Posted on: October 12th 2016All Year 7 students have been invited to take part in the Children’s University programme. Southgate Schools, Year 7 pupils have been a part of the Children’s University since it began in Enfield in 2011. This means, that when students attend clubs and activities (lunchtime clubs, afterschool clubs and holidays), they will be able to achieve credits in a learning passport. The only clubs that are not included are homework or booster clubs and the paid for afterschool childcare. Students are allowed however, to back date their passport credits from September 2016.
This programme encourages our Year 7 students with exciting learning activities and experiences outside normal school hours. The children who have completed a sufficient amount of extra-curricular activities are then invited to attend a graduation ceremony at Middlesex University where a parent and a staff member celebrate their achievements.
If students are interested in taking part in the programme there is a £2.15 charge for the passport. The payment can be made via ParentPay by October 31st 2016.
For further information see the link below:
If you have any other queries regarding the programme or any financial questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Poullos on zpoullos@southgate.enfield.sch.uk .