School Production of Bugsy Malone
Posted on: March 1st 2017The Drama and Music Department's whole school production this year was 'Bugsy Malone'. This was a huge success receiving high praise from teachers, governors, parents and fellow students. Those who saw it noted how professional and well-rehearsed the students were and were amazed by the confident performances; particularly by those students who had been pushed out of their comfort zone. This is not only a credit to the hard working students but also the staff as well who encouraged and supported them. The students themselves thoroughly enjoyed being part of such a big production and forming friendships across year groups, many are sad that it is over and are already asking what next year's production will be.
There are too many outstanding moments to mention them all but to name a few we saw a wonderful performance of a solo song and tap dance from Alfie Carling who played Fizzy. A strong and powerful ensemble song and dance by the whole cast in the Down and Outs scene which was led by Nader Bahmani Bahman Beige who played Bugsy. The tension filled relationship between the two rival gang leaders Dandy Dan played by Ben Irfan and Fat Sam played by Thomas Greenfield, who were supported by their own gang members who had a lot of fun shooting silly string out of a gun and throwing custard pies. There were also wonderful solo performances from Megan Dawson who played Tallulah and Sophie Kemp as Blousey and who could forget the golden comedy moments from Smolsky and O'Dreary played by William Prior and Yani Constantinou. All performances were supported by the amazing band consisting of talented students from years 9 - 13. The sound and lighting and backstage teams were also supported by students who gave up their time to help the show run as smoothly as possible.
The Drama and Music Departments and Helen Cooper who choreographed the dances are incredibly proud and would like to thank the students for both the hard work and effort they put into this fantastic production.
Cast and Crew
Fat Sam Tom Greenfield
Fat Sam’s gang
Ritzy Omar Mojumder
Snake Eyes Madison Kawski
Knuckles Natalia Spaliara
Louis Sam Kearns
Pickett George Prior
Roxy Hanna-Lili Rice-Smyth
Dandy Dan Ben Irfan
Louella India Bale-Dominguez
Dandy Dan’s gang
Doodle Harry Lownds
Bronx Charlie Yiannis Morfoulis
Laughing Boy Emma Ozdemir
Shoulders Lola Turley
Yonkers Maisy Crabtree
Benny Lee Mia Frances Durham
Shady (works for both gangs) Leah Bates
Bugsy Nader Bahmani Bahman Beige
Blousey Sophie Kemp
Tallulah Megan Dawson
Dotty Imogen Sanis
Bangles Raphaela Ajuwon
Loretta Lauren Cripps
Tillie Hannah Greenfield
Velma Skye McLoughlin
Daisy Joanna Demosthenous
Layla Sophia Demetriou
Cher Leena Patel
Fizzy Alfie Carling
Captain Smolsky William Prior
O’Dreary Yani Constantinou
Reporter – Scoop Maisy Crabtree
Leroy Stefan Georgiou
Cagey Joe Alex Kyriacou
Baby face Katie Sheth
Oscar Harry Lownds
Singer Lola Turley
Lena (singer) Sintija Tarvainyte
Marbeni Zoe Wood
Ventriloquist and Dummy Kacper Gryniewicz and Cameron Gorzynski
Radio Announcer Cameron Harold
English Reporter Jennifer Price
Foreign Reporters Anna Aristidou and
Eliana Papdemetriou
Paperboy Zoe Wood
Waitress Omni Thiessen
The Down and Outs, Speakeasy customers, Boxers
Mia Frances Durham Erica Carter 8C1
Sintija Tarvainyte Cameron Harold 9CD
Cameron Gorzynski Emma Ozdemir 9D2
Eliana Papademetriou Hanna-Lili Rice-Smyth 9C1
Amy Price Sophia Demetriou 8LY
Katie Sheth Joanna Demosthenous 10CD
Jennifer Price 8D1 Olivia Szeto 10CD
Anna Aristidou 8D1 Leena Patel 8L2
Omni Thiessen 11D1 Zoe Wood 8CD
Abbey Sagar 8L2 Maisy Crabtree 10L2
Leah Bates 8L2 Katerina Sofroniou 10L2
Thomas Black, Joe Branch, Sam Branch, Christopher Peleties, George Meeks, Christopher Marinos, Louis Theodorou, Joel Velasco, Nathaniel Perris, Matthew Christou, Victoria Hall, Frances Cooper, Ms Couzin, Ms Barker
Backstage Crew
Victor Starzec, Faheem Sohail, Jack Styliano, Michael Baker, Andrew Michael, Sophia Michael, Anna Peleties, Sarah Ellenby, Sarah Andrews
Directors, producers, designers, conductors, vocal coaches, choreographers
Ms Constantinou Mrs Bradford Ms Couzin
Mrs Ballantyne Mrs Dawson Mr Davidson
Ms Barker Ms Cooper Ms A. Dawson
Ms Carter-Crosby Mr Ledesma
A special thank you to the following people for all of their support and help
Mr Best, Mr Antwi, Mr Goodey, Mr Stanev, Ms Rai, Ms Wells, Ms Kisby, Ms Little, Mr Neched, Mr Janczyn, Mr Clear-Tournas FOSS all of the wonderful staff who have given up their time to help backstage, All Safe & Sound and Dina Constantinou for the splendid photographs.â