The Junior Entrepreneurship Day at Middlesex University
Posted on: November 19th 2015The Junior Entrepreneurship Day at Middlesex University
Congratulations to our 5 Year 8 students who took part in the competition day on Wednesday:-
- Francesca Gallardi
- Alyssia Sableski
- Amelia Field-Gould
- Mina Kashef
- Cleo Charalambous.
It was the 3rd annual Junior Entrepreneur of the Year Competition and was organised to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week. The primary aim was to introduce students to the concept of entrepreneurship and get them thinking about business, enterprise and their future options. The students were each given a scenario and had three hours to prepare a business plan with the advice from a 'Business Guru' present their ideas in the form of a poster to a panel of business experts. They demonstrated great team work and conducted themselves in a mature manner.
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