Year 11 Silver DofE Expedition
Posted on: June 25th 2021On Monday and Tuesday this week, twenty Year 11 students were finally able to take part in their Silver Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition.
Covid restrictions meant that they were not able to camp so they slept at home on the Monday night.
Over the two days a lot of time was spent in Trent Park, doing orienteering and team-building activities.
On the Monday the groups walked from Trent Park to a Scout camp in Northaw, where they put up their tents (they will be camping on their qualifying expedition) and cooked a meal.
On Tuesday, after the day in Trent Park, they returned to school to plan their routes for the qualifying expedition and to cook behind the Art block.
A very different expedition to what those who had done Bronze were used to but the three groups did really well over the two days.
Many thanks to the numerous members of staff who helped out in Trent Park and Northaw or at school on the Tuesday.