Alastair Campbell Visit
Posted on: July 14th 2023We were privileged to have the opportunity to host a talk by the political heavyweight Alastair Campbell this morning in the Sixth Form Centre. He provided an insight into how young people can make a real difference in the world of politics. He gave three specific pieces of advice which were to:
Never say all politicians are the same
Never say things never change
Never say that one person can’t make a difference.
He also gave advice from other world leaders such as Mandela and Theodore Roosevelt, as well as from other inspirational figures such as Greta Thunberg, Gina Martin and Marilyn Monroe.
We were also lucky to each be given a copy of his new book, ‘But what can I do? Why politics has gone so wrong and how you can help fix it’ which he kindly signed and we are looking forward to reading and discussing in class.
This visit was made possible because one of our Sixth Formers Ephraim Haile reached out to Alastair on Twitter asking if he could come in – proof that one person can make a difference!