
POSTED: 5/11/2024
Before half term, our Year 7’s had their first netball match against Laurel Park.
We fought hard and made a last minute come back, but just ran out of time.
Well played to Laurel Park who won 12-8. They nominated Melisa as their player of the match for great shooting.

POSTED: 4/11/2024
The Sixth Form welcomed Nick Nanikhan from Hertfordshire University in again on Wednesday 16th October to speak to the Year 13 students interested in Apprenticeships. The talk was incredibly informative and students who attended all valued the information Nick presented.

POSTED: 14/10/2024
World Mental Health Day was last week on October 10th. We marked the day in school with assemblies to every Year Group. World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and working to prevent the social stigma of mental health issues.

POSTED: 9/10/2024
Year 13 students attended a talk on personal statements by Nick Nanikhan, Senior Regional Education Liaison Officer (London) for the University of Hertfordshire. Writing a strong personal statement can increase their chances of receiving offers from their preferred university

POSTED: 9/10/2024
Enter your artwork to our Manga drawing competition in the Library by the 8th November. Your submitted piece should be at least A4 size in manga/anime style and preferably coloured in. If you are selected to be among the best entries, you can WIN manga goodies

POSTED: 9/10/2024
Year 10 Netball team were fantastic at a match they played on 1st October.
They entered the Enfield Borough tournament and managed to play 5 minutes before the weather stopped all matches.
The character, resilience and commitment these young women demonstrated was amazing.